Archive for 2020

  • King of the Sea

    Turbot is a large flatfish, they generally prefer sandy and muddy seabed’s. Turbot can also be found around light mixed and broken ground, anywhere there is a source of food present.

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  • Fish Quotas for 2020

    Haggling over EU fishing quotas for next year has begun in Brussels, and fisheries ministers from member states look likely to ignore scientific advice and argue for higher quotas for key stocks.

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  • Have you ever tried Skrei Cod?

    We have some fantastic produce starting to come through our doors now, and an amazing product coming up in the next few weeks will be Skrei Cod with a short season it will only be available from mid-January to early April.

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  • Happy New Year 2020

    Happy New Year. With the ever-changing fish seasons, we have to make sure we are getting the best products. For the start of 2020 Seabass, Salmon, king and Queen Scallops, Mussels & Clams are fantastic at the moment.

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